Accommmodations in Las Galeras, Samana Dominican Republic.

Photo Gallery of Things to See and Do in and around Las Galeras

Beaches, Sightseeing & Activities to Discover in and around Las Galeras

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Las Galeras main beach Las Galeras beautiful litoral Famous little island LA ISLETA, Las Galeras La Playita beach, Las Galeras Savage Playa Fronton - 15 minutes away by boat Secluded Playa Madame - 17 minutes away by boat Horseback Riding on untamed beaches World famous Playa Rincon Atving on Playa Rincon beach Los Haitises National Park - 45 kilometers away Cayo Levantado Island in Samana Bay - 20 kilometers away Whale Watching in Samana - In season from January 15 to March 25

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